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Predicting Risk in Emerging Markets at the Touch of a Phone

Jessica Carta, First Access

First Access is a data analytics company that sells an instant risk assessment tool to financial institutions worldwide. First Access can reliably predict risk for the world’s 2.5 billion indivduals who have never had a bank account or credit score, using their prepaid mobile data. A private, for-profit social business founded in 2011 in New York City, the company's mission is to reduce the cost of lending and borrowing in informal markets. This session will describe who First Access is, what it does, and how this is one of the most transformative innovations that will radically change the financial landscape in emerging markets in the next five years.
big data, economic development, Financial inclusion, mobile, mobile technology, technology
Nicole Stubbs, First Access Co-Founder and CEO
Rohit Acharya, First Access Chief Data Scientist
Video and PowerPoint

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