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Hybrid Structures: Bridging the Divide between Nonprofit and For-Profit

Leslie Keil, Hanson Bridgett LLP

Increasingly nonprofits, especially those with earned income, are wondering whether they could have a greater and more sustainable impact as a for-profit. Benefit corporations allow a social enterprise to keep their mission central to the organization, while allowing for a for-profit business model. The stability provided by diversified funding sources, transparency, and balanced incentives make the benefit corporation a robust choice for a nonprofit considering other options. In this session, you will hear from entrepreneurs who utilized the benefit corporation structure to move from a nonprofit organization to a for-profit organization, and from the legal experts who helped them. The entrepreneurs will discuss the effect this decision has had on their operations, their relationship with Board members, donors and investors, and most importantly, their ability to achieve impact.
benefit corporation, entrepreneur, Fundraising, impact investing, social enterprise, venture philanthropy

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